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The goal of getContracts is to return all the contracts defined by a protocol. For instance:

  • staking contracts
  • governance contracts
  • lending / borrowing pools
  • DEX pairs
  • ...

For performance reasons (ex: fetching 1 million pools), getContracts is called on a regular basis by a background task, but not when updating someone's balances.

Lending Pool

The lending pool contract is used to get lending/borrowing assets:

  • aTokens
  • stable debt tokens
  • variable debt tokens

On Ethereum mainnet, the lending pool contract is deployed at 0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9.

To get reserves info, let's iterate on all reserve contracts (using getReservesList) and call getReserveData.

Get ABI from Etherscan

const abi = {
getReservesList: {
inputs: [],
name: "getReservesList",
outputs: [{ internalType: "address[]", name: "", type: "address[]" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
getReserveData: {
inputs: [{ internalType: "address", name: "asset", type: "address" }],
name: "getReserveData",
outputs: [
components: [
components: [
{ internalType: "uint256", name: "data", type: "uint256" },
internalType: "struct DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap",
name: "configuration",
type: "tuple",
internalType: "uint128",
name: "liquidityIndex",
type: "uint128",
internalType: "uint128",
name: "variableBorrowIndex",
type: "uint128",
internalType: "uint128",
name: "currentLiquidityRate",
type: "uint128",
internalType: "uint128",
name: "currentVariableBorrowRate",
type: "uint128",
internalType: "uint128",
name: "currentStableBorrowRate",
type: "uint128",
internalType: "uint40",
name: "lastUpdateTimestamp",
type: "uint40",
internalType: "address",
name: "aTokenAddress",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "stableDebtTokenAddress",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "variableDebtTokenAddress",
type: "address",
internalType: "address",
name: "interestRateStrategyAddress",
type: "address",
{ internalType: "uint8", name: "id", type: "uint8" },
internalType: "struct DataTypes.ReserveData",
name: "",
type: "tuple",
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
} as const;

Create a function to fetch contracts:

  • address: address of the contract the user "interacted" with, either by making a transaction to it or by receiving it. In this example, the user receives aTokens when lending / borrowing on the platform.
  • underlyings: actual underlying token. aDAI -> DAI
  • category: 'lending' for aTokens, 'borrow' for debt tokens
async function getLendingPoolContracts(ctx: BaseContext, lendingPool: Contract) {
const contracts: Contract[] = []

const reservesList = await call({
target: lendingPool.address,
abi: abi.getReservesList,

const reservesDataRes = await multicall({
(reserveTokenAddress) => ({ target: lendingPool.address, params: [reserveTokenAddress] } as const),
abi: abi.getReserveData,

for (let i = 0; i < reservesDataRes.length; i++) {
const reserveDataRes = reservesDataRes[i]
if (!reserveDataRes.success) {

const underlyingToken = reserveDataRes.input.params[0]
const aToken = reserveDataRes.output.aTokenAddress
const stableDebtToken = reserveDataRes.output.stableDebtTokenAddress
const variableDebtToken = reserveDataRes.output.variableDebtTokenAddress

chain: ctx.chain,
address: aToken,
underlyings: [underlyingToken],
category: 'lend',
chain: ctx.chain,
address: stableDebtToken,
underlyings: [underlyingToken],
category: 'borrow',
stable: true,
chain: ctx.chain,
address: variableDebtToken,
underlyings: [underlyingToken],
category: 'borrow',
stable: false,

return contracts

Return contracts in getContracts:

const lendingPool: Contract = {
name: "Lending Pool",
address: "0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9",
chain: "ethereum",

export const getContracts = async (ctx: BaseContext) => {
const pools = await getLendingPoolContracts(ctx, lendingPool);

return {
contracts: {